Friday, May 29, 2020

Covid -19

Covid-19 is an infectious disease .the main caused is severe Acute Respiratory syndrome Corona virus 2. Wuhan  China  is the place where it was first identified at December 2019,  later it is spread all around world and resulting ongoing pendemic.
The first case was traced back 17 November 2019.
It's names are novel Corona virus pneumonia,covid,Corona,2019-nCov acute respiratory disease.
It's Symptoms are cough, fatigue,More than 102 degree Celsius fever,shortness of breath,loss of smell and sometimes no symptom at all.
Covid-19 is spread globally ,till 29 the may 2020 ,no any medicine are discovered.The best way   of Prevention healthy diet, sanitation, hand washing,face covering, quarantine, social distancing .
It's diagnostic method are rRt-PCR testing ( the real time reverse transcriptions  polymerase chain  reaction from nasopharyngeal swab.) And ct-scan (chest CT imaginary ).